Roofing Solutions

Majority of the leak problems in the marketplace today are the result of roof failures. Re-roofing is a huge business in North America but most of the major roofing contractors offer similar or exactly the same technologies that continue to fail. It is estimated that nearly fifty percent of building construction lawsuits relate to roofing problems. And although the the roofing industry’s benchmark for a successful performing roof is 20 years, most roofing systems need constant maintenance if not complete re-roofing within ten years.

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“Failed Tar/Gravel Roof”              “Failed EPDM Roof”


Our perfect waterproofing material, Turbo Seal, is an effective alternative in re-roofing commercial structures. Our roofing system is a combination of Turbo Seal and Turbo Sheet plus protection board followed by ballast.

  1. Self Healing. Is immune to inadvertent punctures/tears.
  2. Flexible. Because it never cures, it responds to movement like skin, maintaining the integrity of the roof.
  3. Environmentally Friendly. It is cold processed, which means no flames. It is also non-toxic and does not have any odor.
  4. Monolithic. There are no seams in the roof for water to migrate under.

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Built-up Tar and Gravel Roof

  1. This system has been around since the mid-nineteenth century. Most of the failed roofs were designed this way. Trends suggest that there will be less dependency on asphalt/coal for roofing systems.
  2. Architects and engineers are aware of the toxic fumes that are released into the atmosphere.
  3. Once a leak occurs, it is IMPOSSIBLE to find the SOURCE of the leak since the water could be traveling underneath the felts.
  4. Blisters can occur between felts due to trapped moisture and expansion of heat.
  5. Does not handle roof movements. Will delaminate/tear over time since structures move hundreds of times daily.

Modified SBS Torch-Applied Membrane

  1. Use of an open flame has caused numerous incidents.
  2. Once damaged, the membrane will not heal itself.
  3. Because of asphalt inconsistency, there are issues of the membranes not sticking together, causing leaks.

Single-Ply EPDM Membrane

  1. Although the polymer makes the membrane flexible, once there is a tear/damage to the membrane, it will not heal itself. Not favorable to foot traffic.
  2. Problems with adhering the material since asphalt is used. Asphalt, over time, will harden and crack.
  3. Subject to damage during construction and maintenance rooftop equipment.