Underground Parkades

The Re-Systems Group Canada Ltd. offers a cost competitive and permanent solution to all the water ingress issues in underground parking lots. Instead of simply diverting the leak to another location which can cause structural damage or injecting epoxy into the cracks which is only a temporary solution, Turbo Seal will create a brand new waterproofing membrane that guarantees no more leaks in the injected area. Our solution is long term and effectively restores the damaged membrane that is causing the water ingress.

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Furthermore, we are able to completely restore the entire membrane without having to remove the concrete/soil from above ground. There is no interruption of lifestyle of the tenants as well as the disruption/noise from concrete removal.

In the following clip, our injection team is repairing a leak issue stemming from an above ground water feature. We are actually repairing the failed membrane between the slabs and creating a brand new waterproofing protection course. We guarantee that the area that we have injected will NEVER again leak. The Re-Systems Group can repair an area as concentrated as 100 sq.ft. to the entire parkade.

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